3215-3229 Stevens Creek Blvd is a vibrant retail area located in San Jose. The area surrounding 3215-3229 Stevens Creek Blvd has experienced a notable level of criminal activity, with frequent reports of theft and safety threats. With a total of 1055 reported incidents in the last 12 months, it’s important for residents and visitors to stay informed and cautious. The current safety score of 49 suggests that while there are safety challenges, awareness and community efforts can contribute to improving the situation.
Call Type
Numbers of Calls in 1 yr
Safety Threats
Suspicious Activity
Suspicious Person
Top Problems (Call Type)
Monthly Data Report of
*All data displayed represents alerts reported within a 1-mile radius of the selected location.
Recent Alerts
Alert TypeAddressDateTimeEvent ID
*All data displayed represents alerts reported within a 1-mile radius of the selected location.