5011-5041 Almaden Expy is a popular retail destination in San Jose. The area surrounding 5011-5041 Almaden Expy has experienced a notable number of criminal activities, particularly related to theft and suspicious activities. With a total of 1162 reported incidents in the last 12 months, both residents and visitors are encouraged to be mindful of their surroundings. Despite these concerns, the area holds a safety score of 46, suggesting that ongoing efforts to enhance safety are underway but more vigilance is necessary.
Call Type
Numbers of Calls in 1 yr
Safety Threats
Suspicious Activity
Suspicious Person
Top Problems (Call Type)
Monthly Data Report of
*All data displayed represents alerts reported within a 1-mile radius of the selected location.
Recent Alerts
Alert TypeAddressDateTimeEvent ID
*All data displayed represents alerts reported within a 1-mile radius of the selected location.