660 Giguere Ct is an industrial property located in the vibrant city of San Jose. The area surrounding 660 Giguere Ct has experienced a notable amount of criminal activities, particularly related to trespassing, suspicious activity, and safety threats. With a total of 1415 reported incidents in the last 12 months, it’s important for those in the vicinity to remain cautious and aware of their surroundings. Despite the challenges, the safety score of 33 highlights the need for ongoing safety measures to enhance security in this industrial area.
Call Type
Numbers of Calls in 1 yr
Safety Threats
Suspicious Activity
Suspicious Person
Top Problems (Call Type)
Monthly Data Report of
*All data displayed represents alerts reported within a 1-mile radius of the selected location.
Recent Alerts
Alert TypeAddressDateTimeEvent ID
*All data displayed represents alerts reported within a 1-mile radius of the selected location.