99 N 6th St is a well-visited retail property located in San Jose. The area surrounding 99 N 6th St has experienced a significant amount of criminal activities, including a high number of suspicious persons and trespassing incidents. With a total of 6242 reported incidents in the last 12 months, this seems to be a hotspot for various criminal activities. The safety score is quite low at 1, suggesting that additional caution and safety measures are highly recommended for residents, visitors, and business owners alike.
Call Type
Numbers of Calls in 1 yr
Safety Threats
Suspicious Activity
Suspicious Person
Top Problems (Call Type)
Monthly Data Report of
*All data displayed represents alerts reported within a 1-mile radius of the selected location.
Recent Alerts
Alert TypeAddressDateTimeEvent ID
*All data displayed represents alerts reported within a 1-mile radius of the selected location.